Why is it that we get attached to certain people unknowingly - and they become the Velcro loops to our Velcro hooks?

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In Musing Mode is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 India License.
Is that a good thing or a bad thing?? (and how did you go from mental floss #2 to #70???)
Hehehehe...Murtaza you rock!..I love how you notice these things :) I go from #2 to #70 because the 68 in my head, I haven't yet posted :p
Philosophical answer? - The velcro attachment is attachment, I don't know if it is good or bad - it's just there, and I can't do a thing about it :) Murtaza, its high time you start a blog, where I can comment as well! :)
Arre, I don't have all these high funda thoughts and Expressions. All i can do is ask stupid questions, to clarify what you have written :)
Hehehe....hi funda thoughts and expressions :p Keep up the stupid questions :P
You have to write something, for me to ask questions, lol
This question creeps in my mind as well but am unable to find the answer......can you enlighten ?
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