Thursday, July 18, 2024

Zindagi mere ghar aana....zindagi: A realisation on a rainy Thursday afternoon

Today, the bai didn't come. It was my task to sweep and mop the whole house. Mom was listening to the radio as she was washing the bartan (vessels somehow jamta hi nahin hain) in the kitchen. 

I was making sure I capture all the kachra in the adjoining room, pushing ahead all the sofas and chairs and I heard a song wafting out of the kitchen...

"....zindagi, zindagi, mere ghar aana, aana re....zindagi, zindagi..."

And that made me realise (I realise, thinking is different than realising...realisation is just like the song, something that wafts along and you catch it, it comes to you unexpectedly)

Anyhow, the realisation is....that zindagi cannot come to your house, much less love, or success. The idea that love, success, zindagi, (here to me zindagi simply means aliveness and vitality)

are all out there and we need to chase them or invoke them or yearn for them or work for feels like nah, it probably is us: let's just be love, be success, be aliveness and be vitality and then when we are it, well we are it. 

On that note, you should listen to the song though, it is beautiful :-)

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