Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Exercising my no, among other things: Back at the gym

So I am back at the gym; back at the same gym, where I started working out, some 15 years ago. I had a personal trainer for a good 4-5 years during that time, and as I went back to the gym, I bumped into him.

After working out on my own for a day, (in which he stepped in to help quite a lot), it felt comfortable going back to taking training from him again. 

He seemed as meticulous as usual; making sure he sent me reminders to come for my cardio. He also made sure he called me in the morning, so that I woke up on time for the session with him.

The only thing that I hadn't accounted for is: change. How much he hadn't changed, and how much I had.

As we started our second session this morning, he was his usual sarcastic, mocking self; but this time around I noticed it for what it was. What was okay around 5 years ago, no longer felt okay. 

It didn't feel good working out with someone who was overall dismissive and not considerate. Just 30 mins into the session, it just felt like we weren't the right fit (pun, yes intended), and what then ensued was a 'no' from me. A no that felt just right, and the realisation that as an adult, saying 'no' to what doesn't work for you is perfectly fine, and that there are no hard feelings, just a knowing that this isn't how you want it to be.

I asked him if was open to me, looking for another trainer. He looked taken aback, but I really am looking forward to working with someone who partners with me by being supportive and encouraging and not disparaging and dismissive.

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